Mine Soysal Seminars

Literature, publishing and reading culture seminars prepared with original content, compiled by Mine Soysal, founding manager of Günışığı Kitaplığı,  and the author of Eyvah Kitap! (Oh No Books!), a long-best seller which has reached hundreds of thousands of readers of all ages. 

The content can be customized for different target audiences being mainly educators and/or parents.

Based on the needs of target audience seminar covers either one or both of the following sections:

1. Literature and Publishing
– Literature, children’s and YA literature, age groups.
– The journey of a book in the publishing house, outline of publishing.

2. Current components of reading culture
– Culture and arts environment (schools, libraries, academy, media, book retail).
– Book selection/suggestion critearia for children an young adults,  creative reading practices.
– Suggestions and tips for parents and/or educators.

Duration: 60 or 90 minbased on content.

Some examples of topics covered

  1. Reading tendencies of current times…
  2. Is “Reading Habit” a correct expression?
  3. How reading needs change according to age?
  4. Discriminating literature books from educational books.
  5. What if children choose their books on their own?
  6. The effects of genres and subgenres on children and YA readers..
  7. Has the age of reading the classics changed?
  8. Can books be dangerous and harmful for child reader?
  9. When it comes to reading rights and freedoms of children..…
  10. Is it possible for young adults to become book readers in a digital world?
  11. What does shared reading mean and in which ways it can help?
  12. Different dimensions of communication within the family through literature readings.

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