Teacher Training Seminars

Free training seminars for teachers, librarians and education directors!

This seminar series for educators from all branches aims at building the necessary theoretical background about how to evaluate and choose the children’s and young adult literature  books and how to use them correctly and effectively in the classroom in different lessons.

In addition to the presentations by the authors, illustrators, academicians from related fields such as educational sciences, information management, literature and philosophy; teachers and librarians also are sharing with their colleagues the successful and creative reading practices they have been applying in class with fiction books.

Günışığı Kitaplığı started Literature Seminars for Educators in 2010 in line with the decision taken by the Commission of Children’s and Young Adult Books during the 5th National Publication Congress (2009) about the training of trainers. Training teachers on children’s and young adult books and equipping them with the necessary tools to become competent in using these books in the classrooms is underlined by the commission as the most urgent and important need.

Accordingly Günışığı Kitaplığı decided to contribute to the development of children’s and young adult literature in Türkiye; not only by publishing best examples of contemporary literature but also by giving the necessary support to educators  who are the most important facilitators that bring children and books together.

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