Keçi is the bi-annual e-journal of Günışığı Kitaplığı being distributed free of charge, with the purpose of sharing the most valuable content of teacher training seminars and publishing conferences organised every year by Günışığı Kitaplığı with a larger audience.
Besides conferences and seminars, additional content like articles from academicians & master authors of Turkish Contemporary Literature, reflections from local and international book fairs are also covered.
The summer issues of Keçi being released in June every year covers mainly the content of our annual Teacher Training Seminars named “Literature in Education” (Eğitimde Edebiyat Seminerleri) whereas the main content of the summer issues being released in December every year is our annual publishing conference named “Zeynep Cemali Literature Day” (Zeynep Cemali Edebiyat Günü) which is the first and so far the only publishing conference organised in Türkiye.
Focusing on literature and reading culture, Keçi covers not only the content from our seminars and conferences, but also reflections from international and local books fairs, articles from academicians and master authors of Turkish contemporary literature, constituting a very valuable and reliable source of information for all the stakeholders of publishing sector, universities, libraries and all other related institutions.
Prepared by Mine Soysal, the executive editor of our publishing house and Halil Türkden, the e-journal’s editor; all issues of Keçi can be found in and downloaded from
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