First Books (ages 3-8)Series
Zeyno Kitapları Dizisi

Eyvah, Babam Şiir Yazıyor!
Oh No, Dad is Writing Poems!

Ahmet Büke

Illustrator: Sedat Girgin
Editor: Müren Beykan

Ahmet Büke has written for the children for the first time!


Zeyno is a happy child whose mother is an astronomer. Her father Ahmet works at the help desk of the city hall taking care of people’s complaints and he is also a poet who is “famous” at home if not worldwide! While her mother is away from home, Zeyno and her father have too much fun together. One day, her father comes up with a very interesting idea! He has finally found the way to make the continuously complaining people all happy. Would the poems be able solve their problems?

Ahmet Büke

Ahmet Büke

Ahmet Büke was born in Manisa in 1970. He studied Economics and Administrative Sciences in Dokuz Eylül University. He received 2008 Oğuz Atay Story Award with his book Alnı Mavide (2008) and 2011 Sait Faik Story Award with his book Kumru’nun Gördüğü (2010). Büke’s stories were published in several literary magazines and they’re reminding us that the life goes by with many bittersweet, weird and strange details. Büke became widely known with his story books İzmir Postası’nın Adamları (2004), Çiğdem […]
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Other books from the same author

2nd edition
3rd edition
11st edition
9th edition
10th edition
2nd edition
4th edition
3rd edition


36 pages
200x230 mm
1st edition: 2017
7th edition: 2022
ISBN: 978-605-9405-36-2
Barcode: 978 605 9405 362


familyloveadventurespacelongingwriting poemsscienceworking / successoccupations

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