Children's Books (ages 8-12) • Comics
Karikatür Kitabı 2
Behiç Ak
Editor: Müren Beykan
Attention please, there are kids in the city!
Caricaturist and author Behiç Ak is crowning his unique performance of 40 years in caricature with a new album. Bringing the joy and wisdom of children to readers of all ages, this second “Book of Cartoons” includes 143 caricatures that interpret today’s world through the eyes of children. The cartoons, which blend humor and philosophy on many themes from environmental awareness to the difficult conditions of the pandemic, from school life to future concerns, offer fresh questions and new ways of thinking to children. Saying that he draws “caricatures that erase the difference between children and adults,” the artist calls attention to the fact that children understand many subjects better than adults. A special selection that winks at philosophical readings, from Behiç Ak, Turkey’s 2022 Hans Christian Andersen Award nominee!
From Behiç Ak’s foreword:
My neighbor recently said, “I searched for the marbles I lost in my childhood and couldn’t find them until my child found. The questions that you said you’ve been wondering all along and that we lost have also been found. Again, by our curious children. They are now in our children’s minds… They further added new questions besides them. We can find them if we really want, as long as we let our children to ask questions…”

Behiç Ak
He was born in Samsun and studied architecture at Yıldız Technical University and İstanbul Technical University. He’s a well-known cartoonist, author, illustrator, and documentary film director. Since 1982 he’s been drawing the cartoon strip “Kim Kime Dum Duma” that criticizes daily life. His cartoons were exhibited in several countries like Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany. In addition to his plays Ayrılık and Bina, his plays Fay Hattı and Tek Kişilik Şehir which were staged in Europe attracted big interest. The documentary film he produced and […]Go to the Author
Other books from the same author
160 pages
200x150 mm
1st edition: 2021
3rd edition: 2024
ISBN: 978-605-7797-45-2
Barcode: 978-605-7797-452
communication • family • childhood • education • nature • technology • adults – children • urbanization • environment • friendship • thinking • arts