First Books (ages 3-8)Short Story

Sıkıntıdan Patlayan Kasaba

Selen Aydın

The world is colored by our dreams...

Selen Aydın, who met her readers with a cheerful debut book, makes her little readers smile again with her new book. With her funny style and joyful point of view, she makes her readers think about the indispensability of curiosity, exploration and imagination for human life. She holds a mirror to the passions and emotions that bring joy to life, apart from daily responsibilities. Dreams, enlivened by the masterful illustrations of artist Sadi Güran, tell a warm and colorful story.


Mrs. Tepedenbakan, living in the lighthouse, thinks that the townspeople who were not interested in anything but their work are all very odd. According to her, the town almost stood still and people were unable to see even the beauties around them. However, one day, the town’s inhabitants start to die of boredom one by one. First the retired teacher Mr. Sormageç, then Mr. Fernando with the hat, and then the storyteller Mrs. Sonsuzmasal… When it’s the town doctor Mr. Cansever’s turn to “die of boredom”, the dreamer boy Bulut who spends his holidays with his grandfather and Mrs. Tepedenbakan make a plan together…

Selen Aydın

Selen Aydın

She was born in 1975 in İstanbul. After graduating from Marmara University’s Advertising and Public Relations department, she worked as a copywriter in advertisement agencies. She worked on projects in the field of corporate communications. And in recent years, she participated in literature workshops and started writing stories for children. In her first children’s book The Candle Afraid of The Dark (Karanlıktan Korkan Mum, 2020) she worked with artist Huban Korman. Her latest story titled The Town of Boredom (Sıkıntıdan Patlayan Kasaba, […]
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Other books from the same author

4th edition


84 pages
150x200 mm
1st edition: 2022
2nd edition: 2023
ISBN: 978-605-7797-86-5


imaginationboredomdiscoveriescuriositytown lifegeographyoccupationspaintinganimalshobbiesdiomsplantscisternlighthouse

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