Children's Books (ages 8-12)Novels

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Basement Broadcast

Hacer Kılcıoğlu

Editor: Müren Beykan

Live Broadcast from the Adventure House!

In her beloved fictions, Hacer Kılcıoğlu always encourages her child readers to communicate under any circumstances. In her new novel, she is telling the story of a summer adventure taking place in İzmir. While listening to the inner voice of a child floundering between his divorced parents, this story is promoting the meaning given to one’s life by a new friendship. Attracting the child reader’s attention to the importance of different perspectives and the possibility of building a new life against all odds; this joyful story encourages both children and parents to search and find the way of communication most convenient for themselves. With its extraordinary fiction and cheerful style, this book is putting the surprises led by curiosity and imagination into words. A honey-sweet novel telling how love and finding his own words can change a boy’s life.


Ekim is a lonely kid helping his father’s apiculture business and taking care of his dogs. As he is unable to communicate with his father, he generally speaks with himself, hearing his inner voice like a bumble. A mysterious door key he one day finds at home opens him totally new doors. With his new friends Asya and her granddad, who entered his life all of a sudden, they start a live radio broadcast. The live broadcast they make from the basement house of Asya’s grandad influences Ekim’s way of communication with his parents. Ekim, now hopes to get rid of the bumbles aching his head.

Hacer Kılcıoğlu

Hacer Kılcıoğlu

She was born in Alaşehir, Manisa. She worked as an English teacher. Loving to be a traveler, Kılcıoğlu compiled her childhood and youth memories in her books I was Once a Child (Ben Eskiden Çocuktum, 2003) and Speaking to Jale (Jale’yle Konuşmak, 2006). Her first children’s novel I Love Thursdays (Perşembeleri Çok Severim, 2009) is followed by a young adult novel named We were Three Children in İzmir (İzmir’de Üç Çocuktuk – Sezen, Haluk, Meltem, 2010) based on the memories […]
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Other books from the same author

3rd edition
3rd edition
6th edition
5th edition
9th edition
9th edition
9th edition
9th edition
21st edition


136 pages
120x180 mm
1st edition: 2019
3rd edition: 2020
ISBN: 978-605-9405-76-8
Barcode: 978-605-9405-768


Izmirloveintergenerational communicationdivorced parentsfriendshipmusicmysterycrime-punishmentlive broadcastApiculture

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