Children's Books (ages 8-12)Novels

Patenli Kız
The Girl On Roller-Skates

Zeynep Cemali

Editor: Mine Soysal
Illustrator: Gözde Bitir

A warm story woven with memories and bringing different generations together!

Zeynep Cemali, one of the bestselling children’s books authors, is bringing together village life and city life; childhood and senility in the heartwarming story of a deaf girl.


Şerare is deaf but lucky because she can live like a normal person thanks to her education. She spends her summer holiday with relatives who live in a village close to Istanbul. The villagers call her “The Girl on Roller-skates” because she never takes off the roller-skates her father gave her as a gift. But she cannot help thinking of her vacation assignment all the time. Her assignment is to relate the childhood memories of the elderly in the village. At the end of the summer, Şerare not only finishes her assignment but also affects the lives of these people in many ways.

Zeynep Cemali

Zeynep Cemali

Zeynep Cemali, who brought a masterful deepness to children’s litearature, was born in İstanbul in 1950. During her childhood and youth, she traveled around Anatolia with her father, who was engaged in handicrafts, carpet, and rug trade. Her father’s repetitive saying “to live is to learn,” has largely shaped her life. Her stories for children were published starting in 1991, in magazines like Kumbara (İş Bankası Kültür Publishing), Türkiye Çocuk, Buğday and Vitamin Childrens’ Newspaper distributed in Germany. The success […]
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Other books from the same author

27th edition
65th edition
34th edition
12nd edition
15th edition
23rd edition
38th edition


224 pages
120x180 mm
1st edition: 2003
47th edition: 2024
ISBN: 978-975-6227-69-5
Barcode: 978 975 6227 695


lovememorieswritingroller-skatingfarmhandicapold age

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