Children's Books (ages 8-12) • Poems
Müslim Çelik
Editor: Mine Soysal
Illustrator: Müslim Çelik
A playground and a dreamful world of poems!
Müslim Çelik, an major poet of Turkish contemporary poetry greets children with 52 poems that will take them on an expedition in the world of imagery. The poems that flow from the pen of the master poet are enriched by unique drawings and glorify childhood, nature and human intelligence. The writer’s colorful play with words, unusual imagery, thought provoking metaphores, extraordinary choice of expressions offer his readers a unique reading experience. Çelik invites children to participate in the pleasure he takes in language through his playful wording. Çelik who was awarded the Ceyhun Atuf Poetry Award in 1989 for his book Peryavşan and the Cemal Süreyya Poetry Award in 2008 for Necatigül meets readers with his new book colored by the author’s own illustrations.

Müslim Çelik
Müslim Çelik, was born in 1952, in Erzincan. He studied Turkish Language and Literature and worked as a literature teacher in high schools. His poems are published in several magazines and won many prizes. His first poetry book Peryavşan won Ceyhun Atuf Kansu Poetry award In 1989. His poems were published in four books. His children’s poetry book Küçücek is reprinted by Günışığı Kitaplığı in 2011. Müslim Çelik is currently the secretary general of Writers Union of Turkey and is […]Go to the Author
88 pages
130x195 mm
1st edition: 2012
2nd edition: 2017
ISBN: 978-605-4603-00-8
Barcode: 978 605 4603 008
animals • childhood • nature • language plays and puns • labor • human rights • working children