Children's Books (ages 8-12)Novels

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Name of The Book

Necati Tosuner

Editor: Mine Soysal

A lemonade summer breezes through the balcony!

One of master authors of Turkish literature, Necati Tosuner continues to enrich his unmatchable collection of children’s books. After his beloved children’s books Bonny Osman, What’s Wrong With Arda?, Hang On Petek and My Uncle Became A Balloon, Tosuner this time is telling the story of a teenager boy. An intense yet elegant story reflecting the feeling of being a teenager in a small neighbourhood, the hardships of growing up, and relations with family and friends. Tosuner is once agains showing his mastership by embracing so many themes in a child’s world within a simple story. This novel is perfect for accompanying young readers in their journey of discovering literature, and for in class readings.


Caner is a smart and discursive boy who can create a huge world from a simple word. He loves to listen to the old time memories of his grandfather and his parents. One day Caner meets Ece in the school bus and a new friendship is born. Their small disputes and everlasting chats grows into a close friendship. This exceptional friendship makes Caner’s world to grow even larger and adds more colour to his world of words.

Necati Tosuner

Necati Tosuner

He was born in Ankara in 1944. After living in Germany for 2 years, he returned to Turkey, founded and directed Derinlik Publishing House. After 1983, he worked as a copywriter in advertising agencies. He received the 1971 TRT Story Achievement Award with his story “Two Days” (İki Gün), the 1978 TDK Novel Award with Pain… Pain… (Sancı… Sancı…), the Haldun Taner Story Award with his story “Gift” (Armağan), the 1999 Sait Faik Story Award with his work When the […]
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Other books from the same author

3rd edition
4th edition
2nd edition
8th edition
9th edition


136 pages
120x180 mm
1st edition: 2015
3rd edition: 2019
ISBN: 978-605-9952-31-6
Barcode: 978 605 9952 316


familyneighbourhoodprofessionswritingdeathschool lifelanguage gamesgrandfather-grandsonfriendship

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