Children's Books (ages 8-12)Comics

Karikatür Kitabı 1

The Book of Cartoons

Behiç Ak

Editor: Müren Beykan
Grafik tasarım: Suzan Aral

Turns to his child readers with his cartoons.

This special album that crowns the famous cartoonist and author Behiç Ak’s 30th year in profession, contains a special selection for his young readers, selected from his comic strips published in newspapers and various books since 1982. The drawings of the master cartoonist reflect a unique observation skill and carry small yet important details of daily life. In his cartoons Ak draws attention to a wide range of issues such as school life, technological developments, environmental awareness, communication, rights and freedom, friendship, growing up, choice of profession, family, rules; all of which are important issues faced by today’s children while they are growing up. The book smartly interprets the social and the individual values in depth with a sense of humor and criticizes the world of adults using a philosophical language while glorifying childhood.


These cartoons each of which is about a different aspect of life, tell an impressive story about humanity to readers of all ages.

Behiç Ak

Behiç Ak

He was born in Samsun and studied architecture at Yıldız Technical University and İstanbul Technical University. He’s a well-known cartoonist, author, illustrator, and documentary film director. Since 1982 he’s been drawing the cartoon strip “Kim Kime Dum Duma” that criticizes daily life. His cartoons were exhibited in several countries like Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany. In addition to his plays Ayrılık and Bina, his plays Fay Hattı and Tek Kişilik Şehir which were staged in Europe attracted big interest. The documentary film he produced and […]
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Other books from the same author

3rd edition
6th edition
14th edition
9th edition
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35th edition
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23rd edition
64th edition
64th edition
24th edition
44th edition
29th edition
52nd edition
37th edition
40th edition
47th edition
19th edition
51st edition
78th edition
34th edition
37th edition
25th edition
6th edition
24th edition
12nd edition
6th edition
3rd edition


160 pages
200x150 mm
1st edition: 2012
14th edition: 2024
ISBN: 978-605-4603-02-2
Barcode: 978 605 4603 022


communicationfamilychildhoodeducationnaturecontemplationtechnologyadults – childrenfriendship

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