First Books (ages 3-8)Series
Karaböcü Dizisi

Karaböcü Hoş Geldi
Welcome Karaböcü

Niran Elçi

Editor: Mine Soysal
Illustrator: Gözde Bitir

Let’s meet the cute and extraordinary kitten Karaböcü!

Adventures of a kitten which can transform itself into different types of animals. Children love adventures of Karaböcü and its owner Nisan thanks to its adorable illustrations.


Nisan who has to change schools because her family moved complains that she has no friends. One day on her way back from school she finds a black kitten. The cute kitten seems to understand everything Nisan says. Thinking that she cannot convince her family with a dirty kitten Nisan washes the kitten that she brings home secretly and realizes that the kitten has extraordinary qualities. Meanwhile, her parents were preparing another surprise for Nisan.

Niran Elçi

Niran Elçi

She was born in 1971 in Rize. She was graduated from the Industrial Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University in 1992 and worked as an executive in the private sector for many years. Elçi translated numerous books from English to Turkish. She started writing for children with the best loved “Karaböcü” series consisting of four books (ill. Gözde Bitir). Adventure admirer kitten Karaböcü’s exciting and funny stories began with Welcome Karaböcü (Karaböcü Hoş Geldi, 2007) which Karaböcü is found […]
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Other books from the same author

27th edition
26th edition
24th edition


64 pages
130x195 mm
1st edition: 2007
43th edition: 2024
ISBN: 978-975-6227-86-2
Barcode: 978 975 6227 862


loving animalsresponsibilityfamilyneighbourhoodmaking a choicebeing neighborsmaking plans

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