First Books (ages 3-8)Series
İlk Kitabını Kendin Boya Dizisi


Müren BeykanAhmet Beykan

Ships from all ages and different geographies!

This book invites children to the enchanting world of old and new ships telling them about the history, the different types and various functions of ships. The ships in the book are the papyrus boats used in ancient Egypt, the Roman galley, the sail boat of the Vikings, the Ottoman battle ship, the old American river boats, yachts, the Chinese sail boat, submarines and modern ships that are wonders of technology.

Müren Beykan

Müren Beykan

Müren Beykan was born in 1956. She graduated from İstanbul Technical University (ITU), Faculty of Architecture in 1979. Beykan completed her post-graduate studies at the Department of History of Architecture and Restoration of the same university in 1981 and her doctorate studies at İstanbul University, Department of Classical Archaeology in 2004. She worked as an architect in various archaeological research projects and surveys, on measured drawings and restoration projects. Since 1980, she has worked as editor for major publications such […]
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Other books from the same author

5th edition
6th edition
6th edition
6th edition


20 pages
200x230 mm
1st edition: 2002
5th edition: 2023
ISBN: 978-975-8142-66-8
Barcode: 978 975 8142 668


technologysea transportationtradegeography

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