First Books (ages 3-8) • Series
İlk Kitabını Kendin Boya Dizisi
Colour Your First Book Series
Müren Beykan
A series you can read and colour at the same time! Little ones will colour the stories they read or they listen to. Prepared specially for the pre-school kids and for those who just started to read, the books have special dimensions and page design suitable for this age group.
Authors: Müren Beykan, Mine Soysal, İsmet Bertan
İllustrators: Ahmet Beykan, Huban Korman, Betül Sayın, Güldehen Özbay, Saadettin Ceylan

Müren Beykan
Müren Beykan was born in 1956. She graduated from İstanbul Technical University (ITU), Faculty of Architecture in 1979. Beykan completed her post-graduate studies at the Department of History of Architecture and Restoration of the same university in 1981 and her doctorate studies at İstanbul University, Department of Classical Archaeology in 2004. She worked as an architect in various archaeological research projects and surveys, on measured drawings and restoration projects. Since 1980, she has worked as editor for major publications such […]Go to the Author