Young Adult Books (ages 12+) • Novels
Hiç Adil Değil!
Not Just At All!
Suzan Geridönmez
Editor: Mine Soysal
The story of three youngsters who challenge clichés!
Suzan Geridönmez loved for her flowing language and humorous narration invites her young readers to contemplate and debate on the most basic concepts of life such as life-death, beauty-ugliness and ideals. The book emphasizes the difficulties of going beyond what is seen as well as how deep relations nurture a person. While the friendship between the three youngsters that have been branded as “The Minger-Retarded-Obese Team” at school breaks the preconceptions brought by the present day beauty concept, it draws attention to the decisive role of dialogue and solidarity.
Librarian, translator and author Suzan Geridönmez is known for her stories and novels that have a subtle sense of humour.
Adil (Just) who thinks that there is nothing just in life except his name has not only taken all the negative physical characteristic of his family but also, has no talent for anything. In his new school, he meets two people who do not conform to the standard beauty concepts; the overweight Mina and Ferhat who has a deadly illness. When they learn that Ferhat has to go abroad for treatment, the three friends join hands for the adventure of their life…
Suzan Geridönmez
Suzan Geridönmez born in 1966, graduated from Istanbul University, Department of German Language and Literature. She worked as a school librarian for many years and did translations from German to Turkish. Geridönmez lives in Istanbul with her husband and daughter.Go to the Author
176 pages
120x180 mm
1st edition: 2012
10th edition: 2023
ISBN: 978-605-4603-27-5
Barcode: 978 605 4603 275
ideals • family • illness • differences • school life • appearance • running away from home • life-death • friendship