Young Adult Books (ages 12+)Novels

Freshman the Unready

Tolga Gümüşay

Editor: Mine Soysal

How much prepared can an adolescent be for what life imposes?

Beloved author of young adult fiction, Tolga Gümüşay, narrates his memories in the boarding middle school, where only those successful students passing a special entrance exam are being accepted. Being a skilled and sensitive observer, Gümüşay successfully narrates the feelings like being away from home, standing alone, responsibility of freedom, and close friendships established in time. Bearing witness to a specific period of Turkey through the school life, the book makes the readers to think about being prepared for the unexpected surprises of life.


When he started prep class, the Erzurum Anatolian Lycee dormitory became his room and the refectory of the school replaced the warm kitchen of his house. He had passed the challenging exam but he had no idea that he would have to spend the nights and even some week-ends so far from his family on the bunk bed of a cold dormitory. He was totally unprepared for this. However, will the warmth of new friendships and the maturity brought by education be enough for an unready student in preparatory class?..

Tolga Gümüşay

Tolga Gümüşay

He was born in 1972 in Edirne. Due to his father’s profession, he travelled and lived in many cities of Turkey during his childhood days. After graduating from Istanbul University, Faculty of Management, he completed the post-graduate programme at the Department of Organizational Behaviour of Marmara University. Since 1993, he works on advertising market. He became a well-known author with his first young adult’s novel Six Years Full Board (6 Yıl Tam Pansiyon, 2001). And then, he wrote his story books Prediction […]
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Other books from the same author

3rd edition
7th edition
17th edition
32nd edition


180 pages
120x180 mm
1st edition: 2011
14th edition: 2024
ISBN: 978-9944-717-85-4
Barcode: 978 9944 717 854


solidarityidealsfamilyschoollongingliving as a boarderErzurumexamsfriendship

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