First Books (ages 3-8) • Story books
Gücünü Yitiren Kral
The King Who Lost His Powers
Pakize Özcan
Illustrator: Mustafa Delioğlu
Editor: Müren Beykan
The story of those who come together for their freedom. An influental social criticism made via animals’ world!
In her award winning book, Pakize Özcan invites children into the world of animals. This short story is drawing attention to the conflicts between rulers and the ruled in modern world and to the most frequently used method of supression. Through this lovely animal story children readers understand that in order for the ruled ones to get back their freedom, opinion differences should be set aside and the society should get united around a common goal.
As he gets older and loses his power day by day, the authority of the king of the forest, the lion, gradually decreases. In the meantime unemployment, poverty and corruption increases in the forest. In order to take things under control, the lion king gets more and more cruel and the animals living in the forest decide to give an end to this situation.
But it wouldn’t be so easy for all the animals with different opinions to get together against the tyrant king…

Pakize Özcan
She was born in Eflani, Karabük in 1951. After completing her education at special boarding school for teachers, she continued to Eskişehir Anadolu University Open Education Faculty. She worked as a teacher in many cities of Turkey for 26 years. Her story book Gülkız (1998) won Adnan Çakmakçıoğlu The Best Tale for Children Special Prize. She continued to write and told many stories for children in her books. Her first book from Günışığı Kitaplığı is The King Who Lost His […]Go to the Author
1997 Eğitim Sen Çocuk Öykü Yarışması Seçici Kurul Özel Ödülü
96 pages
150x200 mm
1st edition: 2011
15th edition: 2023
ISBN: 978-9944-717-78-6
Barcode: 978 9944 717 786
animals • the forest • administration • justice • solidarity • tyranny • good-bad • sayings • tolerance