First Books (ages 3-8) • Picture books
Ayşe'nin Bulut Projesi
Behiç Ak
Editor: Müren Beykan
How does our water-filled planet become dehydrated?
Artist and thinker Behiç Ak, who is very popular for his illustrated stories as well as the “Cheerful Stories” and “Chubby Books” series, tells a scientific story for a future where people and nature will live in harmony. While drawing attention to the water crisis, one of the most important problems of the world, he conveys the serious effects of urbanization, deforestation and climate change on our planet’s water resources through the eyes of a child. The picture book, which was renewed under the consultancy of water expert Dr. Akgün İlhan, invites children and adults to joint readings and learning together about the entire ecosystem of our planet, from soil to air.
Ayşe sees that the walnut tree she loves to climb is starting to dry and runs to her house to get some water. However, water cuts were initiated due to days without precipitation. So, she should create a rain cloud. But how?.. At that point, a tiny cloud that appears above them takes Ayşe and her cat Sarman for a trip up in the sky. They will both learn a lot about many things from nature’s water cycle to environmental pollution, from sources of renewable energy to efficient use of water and city planning…

Behiç Ak
He was born in Samsun and studied architecture at Yıldız Technical University and İstanbul Technical University. He’s a well-known cartoonist, author, illustrator, and documentary film director. Since 1982 he’s been drawing the cartoon strip “Kim Kime Dum Duma” that criticizes daily life. His cartoons were exhibited in several countries like Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany. In addition to his plays Ayrılık and Bina, his plays Fay Hattı and Tek Kişilik Şehir which were staged in Europe attracted big interest. The documentary film he produced and […]Go to the Author
Other books from the same author
68 pages
200x230 mm
1st edition: 2023
3rd edition: 2024
ISBN: 978-625-6915-05-3
ecosystem • water • love of nature • climate crisis • drought • science • ecology • environmental pollution • discoveries • urbanization • rain • population • waste • heat • air • dam • soil • park • geography • city planning • traffic